ISSN 1805-062X, 1805-0638 (online), ETTN 072-11-00002-09-4
progress of the overall deformation of teeth solved by FEM for the
spur gears with number of teeth z
=24, the module of teeth
m=3,75[mm], the force F
=1000[N] and width of gearing
10[mm], which in the meshing reaching gear ratio 1 and for the
ideal division of load. Deformation of pairs of teeth over the
meshing along the length of meshing line is changes. Maximum
value of deformation shall in this case the endpoints lonely meshing
(if we consider the image-pair) and the minimum value shall also
meshing in two pairs of endpoints lonely meshing. The points B and
D, it is the solitary meshing points leads to a step change
deformation teeth and it will input the next couple teeth to meshing.
In Figure 5 shows the course of total stiffness of the teeth, tooth pair
stiffness and total stiffness of gear teeth for the spur gears, in the
teeth, which in the meshing reaching gear ratio 1. The stiffness is
individual pairs of teeth in the mesh by changing the length of the
engaging line. The minimum value shall end in the engaging points
and lines shall at maximum point lone mesh, the so-called pitch
point C. The resulting stiffness teeth after track mesh changes
periodically with a period equal to the basic pitch frontal. The
endpoints solitary mesh leads to sudden changes in stiffness
resulting teeth. This is due to a step change in deformation resulting
from the entry into another pair of teeth in the mesh his cause’s
vibrations that cause noise gearbox.
There are many influences that cause vibrations in the gearbox and
that have to be taken into account already in the phase of design,
manufacture, installation and operation. Detailed analysis of
gearboxes manufacturers have shown that improving of the gear
accuracy can not reduce the transmission unit noise to the desired
level. Only fundamental changes to the shape of the tooth and
changes in production technology can achieve stronger noise
reduction of gear mechanism.
The internal dynamics of the teeth is one of the most common
gearing problems. This is reflected vibrations all parts of gears, their
noise and increased stress teeth. One of the factors that aggravate
environmental is a noise. The noise in gear transmissions
particularly affects periodic change of stiffness teeth during meshing
caused by changing the number of pairs of teeth, which are
simultaneously in meshing. Using FEM we can with sufficient
accuracy to solve the direct deformation of teeth of spur gear.
Deformation of pairs of teeth over the meshing along the length of
meshing line is changes. Maximum value of deformation shall in
this case the endpoints lonely meshing (if we consider the image-
pair) and the minimum value shall also meshing in two pairs of
endpoints lonely meshing. The stiffness is individual pairs of teeth
in the mesh by changing the length of the engaging line. The
minimum value shall end in the engaging points and lines shall at
maximum point lone mesh, the so-called pitch point C. The resulting
stiffness teeth after track mesh changes periodically with a period
equal to the basic pitch frontal. The endpoints solitary mesh leads to
sudden changes in stiffness resulting teeth. This is due to a step
change in deformation resulting from the entry into another pair of
teeth in the mesh his cause’s vibrations that cause noise gearbox.
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Vol. 9, Issue 1