ISSN 1805-062X, 1805-0638 (online), ETTN 072-11-00002-09-4
previously mentioned models, the area of crack initiation in the
The cohesive model must be implemented in the numerical model of
FEM analysis. All elements making it possible to apply the
principles of the cohesive model are generally referred to in the
literature as decohesive elements. These elements can be one-
dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional elements and
include commonly available solver for FEM analysis. Cohesive
elements are used for modeling an adhesive layer with a certain final
thickness compared to a cohesive surface contact. The adhesive
behavior of these elements is defined by the material properties.
Cohesive elements are defined by the thickness, stiffness and
strength of the adhesive. It is advisable to apply cohesive elements
especially in places where crack development can be expected. It is
assumed that at the beginning of loading there are no cracks in the
adhesive layer, otherwise this phenomenon can be modeled by the
absence of elements at the crack site. The relative displacements
between the upper and lower surfaces, which are measured in the
thickness direction and in the directions perpendicular, represent the
opening of the crack face between the glued surfaces.
Glued joints appear in the automotive industry in many types, both
in terms of functional stress and in terms of design. At present, car
body plates are most often joined by resistance (spot, seam and
projection) welding technology. These disadvantages include, for
example, problematic joining of sheets of different thicknesses and
qualities, or thermal influencing of the welded area. By using the
bonding technology we avoid these problems and we can take
advantage of the many advantages it offers in the automotive
With the development of the automotive industry, the ever-
increasing number of cars on the road and the related increase in
road accidents, manufacturers are increasingly concerned with the
passive safety of cars. When the new vehicle is put into operation,
there is a so-called homologation where the car must meet all the
requirements specified in the standard. One of the many conditions
is that the car must guarantee a prescribed level of passive safety,
which is tested under predetermined conditions. At present, we are
still looking for possibilities and technologies that would mean
cheaper, faster and more accurate production of cars, while
maintaining the conditions and criteria required by us. These
technologies undoubtedly include computer design of cars.
Everything is done on computers from designing, designing
individual components, to demanding strength calculations and
simulating vehicle barrier tests. In all calculations and simulations,
the aim is to bring the computational model to reality as much as
possible. Numerical simulation of the glued joint allows to reduce
the time for product development, production and production costs.
Before the actual gluing process, it is necessary to make a suitable
design and choice of materials for gluing. In simple terms, the
structure should be designed to adhere well. Nowadays, however, it
does not work like this, the designer will design the structure and
only then decide how this structure will be manufactured (what will
be glued, what will be welded, etc.).
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Vol. 9, Issue 1