GRANT Journal

European Grant Projects | Results | Research & Development | SCIENCE

GRANT Journal | Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

CZ   English

Publishing, Acceptation of Texts

Who can publish texts in the GRANT Journal?

The GRANT Journal focuses on publishing texts by academic and scientific workers, who publish results of their scientific-research work. Texts by both physical (research workers, members of academia, experts, etc.) and legal entities (developing centres, university departments, laboratories, institutes, etc.) are accepted; only those texts that originated as a result of a scientific or research activity and that are supported by public grants can be published.

What texts are accepted?

The journal does not focus on any particular scientific branches. When authors submit and send their texts, it is necessary that they specify the particular scientific branch focus of their article while the specification must respect Classification of branches CEP & CEZ & RIV.

How can I publish my text?

Authors send to the journal board their articles in the .doc format and in the form that respects the formal rules of text formatting (the stencil is available here); the articles shall be sent by electronic mail. The email address for receipt of articles: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Is there a template for text formatting?

Yes, the template is available here. The journal board reserves the right to reject those texts that do not respect the rules of article formatting.

Are there any fees for publishing a text?

Yes, the Process Fee up to EUR 148 is required (costs of reviewing process).

Are authors notified of acceptation and consequent publishing of their articles?

Yes, acceptation of texts is confirmed to authors, who are also notified of including their article in the current issue of the journal.

Can an author (a team of authors) submit more than one text to the current issue of the journal?

No, one author (a team of authors) can submit only one text to the valid issue of the journal. However, it is possible to submit updated articles repeatedly - always to a new issue of the journal.

Grant Journal ISSN 1805-062X (CD-ROM)
Grant Journal ISSN 1805-0638 (Online)


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