GRANT Journal

European Grant Projects | Results | Research & Development | SCIENCE

GRANT Journal | Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal

CZ   English

CEP & RIV Branch Groups

Branch Groups

A   Social sciences
B   Physics and mathematics
C   Chemistry
D   Earth sciences
E   Biological sciences
F   Medical sciences
G   Agriculture
I   Informatics
J   Industry
K   Militarism

Branches - in the alphabetical order

Acoustics and oscillation
Aeronautics, aerodynamics, aeroplanes
Agricultural economics
Agricultural machines and construction
Analytical chemistry, separation
Applied statistics, operational research
Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Astronomy and celestial mechanics, astrophysics
Atmospheric sciences, meteorology
Biotechnology and bionics
Cardiovascular diseases including cardio-surgery
Ceramics, fire-proof materials and glass
Civil engineering
Composite materials
Computer hardware and software
Contamination and decontamination of soil including pesticides
Corrosion and material surfaces
Cosmic technologies
Dermatology and venereology
Diseases and animal vermin, veterinary medicine
Diseases, pests, weeds and plant protection
Documentation, librarianship, work with information
Earth magnetism, geodesy, geography
Ecology - communities
Electronics and optoelectronics
Elementary particle theory and high energy physics
Endocrinology, diabetology, metabolism, nutrition
ENT (ie. ear, nose, throat), ophthalmology, dentistry
Environmental impact on health
Epidemiology, infection diseases and clinical immunology
Farm animal breeding and farm animal pedigree breeding
Fatigue and fracture mechanics
Fertilization, irrigation, soil treatment
Firearms, ammunition, explosives, combat vehicles
Food industry
General mathematics
Genetics and molecular biology
Geology and mineralogy
Gynaecology and obstetrics
Hydrology and limnology
Industrial chemistry and chemical engineering
Industrial processes and processing
Information theory
Inorganic chemistry
Land transport systems and equipment
Legal sciences
Liquid mechanics
Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities
Macromolecular chemistry
Machinery and tools
Management, administration and clerical work
Medical facilities, apparatus and equipment
Metallurgy, metal materials
Microbiology, virology
Mining industry including coal mining and processing
Morphological game parks and cytology
Municipal, regional and transportation planning
Navigation, connection, detection and countermeasure
Neurology, neuro-surgery, nuero-sciences
Non-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
Nuclear and quantum chemistry, photo chemistry
Nuclear energy
Nuclear waste, radioactive pollution and control
Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics, accelerators
Nutrition of farm animals
Oncology and haematology
Optics, masers and lasers
Organic chemistry
Other fields of internal medicine
Other machinery industry
Other materials
Other medical fields
Pedagogy and education
Pharmacology and apothecary chemistry
Philosophy and religion
Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Plant cultivation
Plant growing, crop rotation
Plasma physics and discharge through gases
Political sciences
Pollution and air control
Pollution and water control
Propulsion, engines and fuels
Protection of landscape
Psychiatry, sexology
Public health system, social medicine
Reliability and quality management, industrial testing
Safety and health protection, safety in operating machinery
Seismology, volcanology and Earth structure
Sensors, detecting elements, measurement and regulation
Sociology, demography
Solid waste and its control, recycling
Solid-state physics and magnetism
Sport and leisure time activities
Structural engineering
Surgery including transplantology
Theoretical physics
Theory and management systems
Traumatology and orthopaedics
Use of computers, robotics and its application
  Codes of Branches

AA Philosophy and religion
AB History
AC Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
AD Political sciences
AE Management, administration and clerical work
AF Documentation, librarianship, work with information
AG Legal sciences
AH Economics
AI Linguistics
AJ Literature, mass media, audio-visual activities
AK Sport and leisure time activities
AL Art, architecture, cultural heritage
AM Pedagogy and education
AN Psychology
AO Sociology, demography
AP Municipal, regional and transportation planning
AQ Safety and health protection, safety in operating machinery
BA General mathematics
BB Applied statistics, operational research
BC Theory and management systems
BD Information theory
BE Theoretical physics
BF Elementary particle theory and high energy physics
BG Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics, accelerators
BH Optics, masers and lasers
BI Acoustics and oscillation
BJ Thermodynamics
BK Liquid mechanics
BL Plasma physics and discharge through gases
BM Solid-state physics and magnetism
BN Astronomy and celestial mechanics, astrophysics
BO Biophysics
CA Inorganic chemistry
CB Analytical chemistry, separation
CC Organic chemistry
CD Macromolecular chemistry
CE Biochemistry
CF Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
CG Electrochemistry
CH Nuclear and quantum chemistry, photo chemistry
CI Industrial chemistry and chemical engineering
DA Hydrology and limnology
DB Geology and mineralogy
DC Seismology, volcanology and Earth structure
DD Geochemistry
DE Earth magnetism, geodesy, geography
DF Pedology
DG Atmospheric sciences, meteorology
DH Mining industry including coal mining and processing
DI Pollution and air control
DJ Pollution and water control
DK Contamination and decontamination of soil including pesticides
DL Nuclear waste, radioactive pollution and control
DM Solid waste and its control, recycling
DN Environmental impact on health
DO Protection of landscape
EA Morphological game parks and cytology
EB Genetics and molecular biology
EC Immunology
ED Physiology
EE Microbiology, virology
EF Botany
EG Zoology
EH Ecology - communities
EI Biotechnology and bionics
FA Cardiovascular diseases including cardio-surgery
FB Endocrinology, diabetology, metabolism, nutrition
FC Pneumology
FD Oncology and haematology
FE Other fields of internal medicine
FF ENT (ie. ear, nose, throat), ophthalmology, dentistry
FG Paediatrics
FH Neurology, neuro-surgery, nuero-sciences
FI Traumatology and orthopaedics
FJ Surgery including transplantology
FK Gynaecology and obstetrics
FL Psychiatry, sexology
FM Hygiene
FN Epidemiology, infection diseases and clinical immunology
FO Dermatology and venereology
FP Other medical fields
FQ Public health system, social medicine
FR Pharmacology and apothecary chemistry
FS Medical facilities, apparatus and equipment
GA Agricultural economics
GB Agricultural machines and construction
GC Plant growing, crop rotation
GD Fertilization, irrigation, soil treatment
GE Plant cultivation
GF Diseases, pests, weeds and plant protection
GG Zootechnics
GH Nutrition of farm animals
GI Farm animal breeding and farm animal pedigree breeding
GJ Diseases and animal vermin, veterinary medicine
GK Forestry
GL Fishery
GM Food industry
IN Informatics
JA Electronics and optoelectronics
JB Sensors, detecting elements, measurement and regulation
JC Computer hardware and software
JD Use of computers, robotics and its application
JE Non-nuclear power engineering, energy consumption and utilization
JF Nuclear energy
JG Metallurgy, metal materials
JH Ceramics, fire-proof materials and glass
JI Composite materials
JJ Other materials
JK Corrosion and material surfaces
JL Fatigue and fracture mechanics
JM Structural engineering
JN Civil engineering
JO Land transport systems and equipment
JP Industrial processes and processing
JQ Machinery and tools
JR Other machinery industry
JS Reliability and quality management, industrial testing
JT Propulsion, engines and fuels
JU Aeronautics, aerodynamics, aeroplanes
JV Cosmic technologies
JW Navigation, connection, detection and countermeasure
JY Firearms, ammunition, explosives, combat vehicles
KA Militarism
Grant Journal ISSN 1805-062X (CD-ROM)
Grant Journal ISSN 1805-0638 (Online)


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